Thursday, 13 September 2018

And The Battle Start Again

salam alaik
lama tak bersiaran
selepas 2 tahun
nai berat badan 10kg lagi
harap kali ni lebih istiqamah

Kali ni cuba Intermittent Fasting Diet
tapi buat yang 8/16 jam

jia Yao!

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

The Most Favorite Juice :Another Weight Lose. Alhamdulillah

This week weight in : 15.5kg - 14.3 kg
Total lost : 1.2kg

Recipe above is the most favorite

1 pineapple
2 green apples
2 oranges
Half romaine lettuce
1 cucumber

not too bitter and not too sweet.

Monday, 19 September 2016

My On Style of Homemade Detox Juice

almost 3 weeks detox juicing at home.
badan lebih ringan dan usus rasa sihat sikit..
never been too late right?!

Monday, 22 August 2016

Another Session Of Life Changing

Since July 20th 2016, I've decided to do back diet plan.
Alhamdulillah as per weighting come in..
Total lost weight as 22nd August 2016 came as below:

20th July 2016 : 107.9kg
22nd August 2016 : 105.5kg

Total Lost Weigh: 2.4kg

Method Adapt:

- Slimming product (soap and cream)
- twice taken of hot sauna
- Detox with homemade detox juice include with apple cider vinegar
- Frequenty taken cold press natural olive oil.

Next Weighting: 25th September 2016

Monday, 25 May 2015

Monday, 18 May 2015

Khasiat Oren dan TImun

takde yang lebih baik dari sumber vitamin asli dari oren
timun jugak elok tuk detox
serious tak tipu.

Monday, 27 April 2015

Makanan Ruji Orang BErdiet

salam guys...
lama tak bersiaran
inilah makanan ruji kami kalau dah boring tak tahu nak makan apa
kukus steam grill panggang
tu jelah
nak - nak ayam
apa makanan ruji korang plak time berdiet?!!

Monday, 13 April 2015

Buy Your Running Gear/ Apparel under one roof at iprice!

Hi Guys,
As a Runner, we should ensure our gear / apparel in good shape and condition. Due to time constrain, we can easily shop through online at iprice

What is iprice?
- a unique up growing online shopping website which offering a great discount and promotion for online shopper.

How it is work?

step 1:
Sign up! don't forget to sign up. so you don't missed current and latest promotion and discount from iprice.

Step 2:
Look up your favorite categorizes ( either running apparel or running gadget such as from sneaker to armband) and search for latest promotion or discount. Don't forget to check out

Step 3:
 Be patient if stuff that you liked to buy, no more in promotion or discount period. Soon it will be appear since iprice always update their latest and current promotion in their facebook and twitter

Step 4 :
Don't forget to share, like and follow iprice  on twitter and facebook

Happy Shopping!!

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Cumulative Walk Distance : 5.2km

Monday  9th march 2015 : 2.6km
Wednesday 11th March  2015 : 2.6km

total time : 75min
the road is inside UIA Gombak
The fence already damaged due some accident last night.

Protein and Vege : All Of Them (Tiru Lagu All of Me By John Legend)

All in one plate, keep them fresh and keep them raw as much as you can.
put some protein with touch of spice
there you go.

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Spinal or Lumbar Injured : hati - hati korang lifting barang

salam alaik
fews month agi, stop buat powelifthing due to inflammation dekat ligament bahu
then sekarang sangat precautions nak buat kerja berat
but suddenly terlupa yang beg sekolah anak tu berat, main angkat je

so last 2 days dah takleh tahan
jumpa doktor
xray and dapat 2 jenis painkiller shot
veron and detas kot yg lagi satu

lumbar area tu yg sakit tapi found out dekat spinal tu terlurus..
ikut by normal xray spinal tu slightly bengkok follow inclined dengan lumbar
mcm kuar track sikit la tapi bukan slip dics

so, dr just suh resting then if after a week tak baik jugak
kena buat MRI

so korang..
take care your back..
especially ladies!!


Thursday, 8 January 2015

Petua Kurus, Detox dan Buang Lemak


Langkah 1.
Makan epal HIJAU atau minum jusnya tiap-tiap hari sekurang-kurangnya satu biji sehari  selama seminggu.

Tujuannya untuk membuang lemak visceral (lemak yang terdapat dicelah-celah otot perut) dan untuk mengikis lapisan kanji tepung gandum dan sisa-sisa makanan yang lain dari dinding usus. (Gandum yang terdapat sekarang mengandungi bahan kimia. Bahan kimia itulah yang menyebabkan warna asalnya bertukar daripada kuning menjadi putih dan boleh menyebabkan kanser usus).

Ingat: Kalau dimakan mentah, epal boleh dimakan bersama-sama makanan lain. Tetapi kalau jus, ia tidak boleh disulami dengan makanan lain kecuali setelah berlalu 15-20 minit.

Langkah 2. 
Selesai yang di atas, makanlah pula buah LEMON atau minum jusnya 1 biji sebelum sarapan ATAU 1 biji sebelum tidur tiap-tiap hari untuk tujuan detoksifikasi. Berbeza dari jenis-jenis limau yang lain, lemon bersifat asid sewaktu di luar tetapi bertukar menjadi alkali setelah masuk ke dalam badan. Lemon ini rasanya sangat masam. Untuk mengurangkan masamnya, boleh dibuat jus dan campurkan dengan madu atau buat air lemon dengan menggunakan gula perang.

Kesannya boleh dirasai dalam masa dua minggu.


Racik kacang lendir (bendi) muda nipis-nipis dan rendam dalam air panas sebelum tidur kemudian minum pada sebelah pagi sebelum sarapan. Amalkan setiap hari.

Kesannya boleh dilihat dalam tempoh sebulan.

Inch Loss?!!

kanan atas : Jan 2015
kiri atas : Nov 2014

ade beza ke?
yang pasti gambar tu gambar jam yang ngam2 pakai hingga pergelangan tangan masa memula dapat dari orang umah sekitar jun 2014
sekarang dah longgar banyak

semoga istiqamah selalu dan dipermudahkan..

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Tabiat baik sesudah Diet : Makan Sayur!!

salam alaik
lama tak bersiaran
masa 1st jan 2015 haritu kami ada menimbang
syukur jazilan
turun lagi sebanyak 2kg
dari tarikh akhir yang kami timbang sebelum ni 98kg dah menurun kepada 96kg  just static kot or salah timbang ni.aduii
so far lately kami sangat busy dengan kerja , makanya dah tak dapat nak briskwalk even sekali seminggu pun
tapi Allah bantu jugak dengan pemakanan kami yang masih istiqamah jaga

oh ye..
salah satu tabiat baik sejak berdiet ni
kami suka makan sayur
bak orang putih kate
so eager la..
especially raw vege
tapi not with pencicah tambahan
just squeeze of fresh lime or orange tambah sikit minyak zaitun kalau ada and then kalau ada isi ayam or meatball chicken yang homemade la kalau ada
kalau tak just makan begitu je

nak kate minat dengan sautee' or sup sayur agak kureng la
entah kenapa about you guys?!!
it's not late to get healty and fit.
kalau kami boleh yang dari 106 kg ni ke 96kg
takkan anda tak boleh kan?!!

Monday, 24 November 2014

Personal Hiking / Trekking Exercise : FRIM , Kepong Nature Trekking and Canopy Walk

23th November 2014
Hari cheating day tapi buat nature trekking / jungle trekking ikut KeruingTrail dalam 800 meters
pastu sambung dgn Canopy Walkway dalam 2.16km naik dan turun

memoir sungguh..
amik gambo kenang - kenangan sebelum naik canopy walkway ni..
tinggi dalam 300meter dari aras laut

nature trekking ikut keruing trail
sebelum tu Guide Person bawak jalan - jalan ke muzium kat dalam FRIM tu
and Tengok IKAN NAGA
kat trail ni on the way nak ke Rover Track on the way nak ke Canopy Walk, sempat la jatuh.
ehehehe.. beselah..masa jungle trekking kat Cheringin Janda Baik tu pun jatuh jugak.

dah kat atas canopy ni.. amik la gambo ye dok?!

sempat algi selfie ni..ehehhe
ade 4 station boleh benti...

 kami kat belakang akak sado tu
panjang canopy walkway ni dalam 150m
tinggi lebih kurang 30 meter dari darat dan 300meter dari aras laut

 selfie lagi dgn akak noni..
berat lebih kurang kami tapi alhamdulillah
berjaya naik dan turun

last selfie..

btw..sape - sape nk pergi boleh refer kat websire FRIM ni
karang main terjah je kecewa plak

Monday, 17 November 2014

Personal Walk Challenge : Selasai 5km

salam Isnin guys..
kami sangat suka Isnin
sebab Rasullah saw lahir hari isnin..dan suka pada hari Isnin
isnin adalah hari paling baik dalam meneruskan kesinambungan seharian

update diary berjalan kami
hari ini mencabar diri sendiri tuk membuat 5km setiap hari
insyaa Allah dengan izin Allah
mudah - mudahan di pertengahan Januari 2015 kami dah berupaya untuk berlari semula
semoga dipermudahkan

Thursday, 13 November 2014

The Walk Diary : Selepas 1 Minggu Berehat

13th November 2014

in the middle of walk path

 pakai kasut bese je..
jalan kaki la katakan

the statistic.
betullah kata seorang kawan keje dulu yang bernama yeam
mulakan dengan langkah yang kecil untuk mencapai matlamat yang besar

for those yang baru nak mula
tak pernah terlambat sebenarnya untuk mengatur langkah
yang paling penting
harus istiqamah

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

2014 : Day 81 - Day 87 ( 3rd November 2014 - 9 nd November 2014)

Another day another weeks..another update


Day 81st : 3rd November 2014
Calorie intake : 1775 kcal

Day 82. 4th November 2014
lunch and dinner.
the green soup is creamy chicken veges soup.
total calorie intake : 1346 kcal

Day 83. 5th November 2014
egg salad for dinner and lentil soup for lunch
calorie intake  : 794 kcal

Day 84th Dinner
6th November 2014
total calorie intake : 904 kcal

Day 85th 
7th November 2014
Total Calorie Intake : 1163 kcal

Day 86 - 87 is CHEATING DAY!!

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Mana Satu Ciri - Ciri perut Korang ? Kami Jenis Mummy Tummy and Bloated Tummy.

A copy and paste artikerl.

Thank to Nana Ma from FB for the link


The spare tyre: This is one of the easiest tummy troubles to eliminate because it's caused by eating the wrong foods and not exercising enough
The spare tyre: This is one of the easiest tummy troubles to eliminate because it's caused by eating the wrong foods and not exercising enough
These people are likely to lead sedentary lives, perhaps with jobs that keep them desk-bound. They may also have an emotional attachment to sugary foods. 
Luckily, this ‘spare tyre’ is one of the easiest tummy troubles to eliminate as, according to James, it’s caused by eating the wrong foods and not exercising enough.

‘If you exercise very little, eat lots of sugar and refined carbohydrates in products like biscuits, cakes and white bread, or rely on starchy carbs like pasta and rice, you probably have an overweight tummy with accompanying fat on your legs and hips,’ says James.

  • Cut down on alcohol. ‘Alcohol is a fat bomb for the tummy — pure sugar which goes straight to your waist and stops you burning all other fat until the booze has been processed,’ says James. ‘Just a few glasses three to four times a week will lead to a “wine waist” — a thick midriff and podgy tummy. ‘If you want to drink occasionally that’s fine, but the bottom line is that you have to cut back on booze to get a flat belly.’
  • Once you cut out alcohol for two weeks, it’s time to overhaul your diet. ‘In a nutshell, eat well and move more,’ says James. Avoid low-fat and so-called ‘diet’ snacks. ‘These pre-packaged products are often packed full of chemicals, refined sugar, salt and preservatives to give them flavour. 
  • ‘Ditch calorie counting in favour of a healthy diet full of unprocessed fresh foods such as fish, eggs, organic meat and vegetables. ‘Start the day with eggs and smoked salmon, or even grilled chicken and vegetables, and snack on sliced lean meats. ‘And don’t be afraid of eating good fats, such as avocados, nuts and oily fish. These encourage your body to burn midriff fat, giving you a flat tummy.’
  • ‘Exercise is the key to helping this tummy type,’ says James. Simply going for a long walk, doing lunges, squats or dips at home or a yoga class will be beneficial. You don’t need a gym. 

If you regularly reward yourself for a hard day with a piece of cake or deal with bad news with a biscuit, it’s important to remember that being beautiful is as much about how you feel as how you look. The starting point for any tummy transformation is feeling happy.


Stress tummy: These types are typically over-achievers with perfectionist personalities
Stress tummy: These types are typically over-achievers with perfectionist personalities
Stressed-tummy types are typically over-achievers with perfectionist personalities. They are usually also susceptible to digestive conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which can cause bloating and make their tummies look far worse.
‘Stress tummies are easy to spot, as the weight is specific to the front of the midriff and the umbilical area,’ explains James. ‘When stressed, we produce cortisol, a hormone which encourages the body to cling on to fat around the stomach.’
Stressed tummies will also be fairly hard to the touch, rather than wobbly.

It’s likely you skip meals, abuse your adrenal system with too much caffeine and grab junk food for convenience.

  • Get an early night. ‘Stressed women nearly always sleep badly, which disrupts the production of leptin, the hormone which helps regulate appetite and metabolism,’ James explains. ‘This is why we eat more when we are tired and crave fat-depositing sugary snacks for an instant energy boost.’ 
  • Combat exhaustion with a relaxation strategy of deep-breathing, meditation and long baths before bed to encourage a good night’s sleep and limit coffee consumption to no more than two cups a day.
  • Don’t go for the burn when exercising. ‘Excessive cardio which increases cortisol levels isn’t the answer,’ says James. ‘Instead, yoga, long walks and resistance work with weights is perfect for sculpting and building up strength while calming the system.’
  • Magnesium is a calming mineral to help soothe a stressed belly. James advises eating lots of magnesium-rich foods such as dark green leafy vegetables, Brazil nuts and seeds.

Stress-busting stretches and yoga poses at night time can help to lower cortisol levels


The little pooch: These women are likely to be busy mums or have demanding careers - hey may even be a gym junkie
The little pooch: These women are likely to be busy mums or have demanding careers - hey may even be a gym junkie
These women are likely to be busy mums or have demanding careers. ‘They may even be a gym junkie, but stuck in a workout-and-diet rut, perhaps always eating the same foods and doing the same routine at the gym, which keeps you slim but leaves you with a lower belly that spoils your silhouette,’ says James.

‘Doing excessive crunches and using gimmicky gym items such as ab-rollers can place a strain on the hip flexors and the lower back, causing the tummy muscles to protrude so your belly sticks out,’ says James.

  • Good nutrition and plenty of fibre are essential to improve digestive conditions such as inflammation, bloating and constipation, which can make a pooch tummy worse. Green leafy vegetables, oatbran and wholemeal grains are good, natural sources of fibre.
  • Sit-ups done incorrectly increase your lower back curve and accentuate the ‘pouch’ effect. Swap sit-ups for planks. Do these by lying face down on a mat, resting on your forearms. Push off from the floor, rising onto your toes and elbows, so your body is parallel to the floor from your head to your heels. Start off doing ten seconds and build up to a whole minute.
  • It’s a common misconception that using weights bulks women up. In fact, the opposite is true. Using weights will burn serious amounts of fat in a short space of time, so try introducing circuits — repetitions of exercises like squats or lunges which work individual muscle sets.

Be kind to your tummy, reduce inflammation by drinking lots of water and eating easy-to-digest foods such as green vegetables and lighter proteins such as fish and chicken.


The Mummy tummy: Women with these bellies have usually given birth in the past few years, and, being a typical mum, have little time for themselves
The Mummy tummy: Women with these bellies have usually given birth in the past few years, and, being a typical mum, have little time for themselves
Women with these tummies have usually given birth in the past few years, and, being a typical mum, have little time for themselves. ‘After giving birth, the uterus drops and is much heavier than it was pre-pregnancy,’ says James. ‘It takes at least six weeks to return to its usual size, so don’t even think about trying to get a flat stomach until after then.
‘You need to re-train your pelvic floor and lower abs to increase blood flow and strengthen loose muscles.’

Rushing back to exercise too quickly. ‘I would suggest waiting around two to three months,’ says James. ‘Being stressed about getting rid of your baby weight will only make you cling onto it more. Give yourself a break!’

  • ‘Fish oil supplements turn on  fat-burning hormones and turn off  fat-storing hormones,’ says James. ‘Begin by taking three 1,000mg capsules a day with meals and build up to five. I’ve trained Elle Macpherson through two pregnancies and she takes these every day.’
  • Try to eat good fats — found in sources such as nuts, oils and olives — every day. ‘Not only do they help you burn fat and absorb vitamins from food effectively, they also help combat tiredness — a big help for tired mums,’ says James.
  • Gentle pelvic floor exercises (known as Kegels) act as a natural corset for the body to flatten your tummy from the inside out. Squeeze and clench your pelvic floor muscles 15-20 times, in five sessions a day.
  • Steer clear of sit-ups. ‘After giving birth, the linea alba muscles — which run down the mid-line of the abdomen — separate and you need to allow them to recover,’ says James. ‘Crunches are the worst thing you can do, as they will force these muscles farther apart. Instead, breathe deep into your tummy while on all fours, then slowly exhale while doing a pelvic floor exercise.’

Daytime naps (try putting up blackout blinds) and stretching before bed are important ways to restore sleep hormones and boost fat-burning. 


Bloated tummies: These are often flat in the morning, but swell throughout the day with gas or indigestion
Bloated tummies: These are often flat in the morning, but swell throughout the day with gas or indigestion
Bloated tummies are often flat in the morning, but swell throughout the day with gas or indigestion. Bloating affects both slim and overweight women. It is almost always caused by food intolerances and allergies, or sluggish bowels as a result of a poor diet.

You eat the same foods and may have done so for a lifetime without realising you’re intolerant to them.

  • ‘The most common intolerances I see are wheat and gluten (bread, pasta, pastries, pizza, cakes and cereals), alcohol, yeast (in muffins, beer and pastries) and processed dairy (cheese, milk, butter),’ says James. ‘Gluten in particular can inflame the bowel and make the stomach look bigger.
  • ‘Experiment to work out what bothers your belly as you know your body better than anyone else. Try eliminating key culprits such as gluten for a fortnight to see if your bloating reduces, or worsens when you reintroduce foods. Focus on a diet with lots of fresh veg, meat, chicken and fish.’
  • Sluggish bowels are often a result of eating the wrong foods in the wrong way. Make breakfast your biggest meal, as this is when  digestion is at its peak, and avoid eating late at night which leads to bloating. Chew food properly and drink plenty of water to keep the digestive system moving.
  • Bloating can be a sign of imbalanced gut flora. So to get your tummy really flat you need to repopulate it with friendly bacteria. Prebiotic and probiotic supplements are the simplest way. Natural sources include miso soup, sour cream and some fruit and veg including kale, garlic and onions. A healthy gut means a flat stomach.

Believe it or not, breathing can be the best thing you can do for this kind of tummy. Try this each morning: lay on your back, completely relaxed, and breathe deep into your tummy ten times. After eating, a walk will help the digestive process, too.

Adapted from Clean & Lean Flat Tummy Fast! by James  Duigan

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

2014 : Day 71 - day 80 ( 24th October 2014 - 2nd November 2014)

another update another day to move on..
this is my personal diet diary.

Day 71th
24 Oct 2014
Calorie intake : 1880 kcal 
No workout

Day 72th and 72th
25 Oct 2014 - 26th October 2014


Day 74th
27th Oct 2014
Calorie intake : 1288 kcal 
No workout

Day 75th
28th Oct 2014
Calorie intake : 1350 kcal 

Day 75th
28th Oct 2014
Workout : Briskwalk 40 min

DAY 76

Day 76th
29th Oct 2014
Calorie intake : 1873 kcal 


Day 76th
29th Oct 2014
Workout : Briskwalk 1 hour 7 minute

Day 77th
30th Oct 2014
Calorie intake : 1762.5 kcal
No workout

Day 78th

DAY 79th

DAY 80th
2nd November 2014